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Issue 19 Apr 2014

EditedNewsletter19April22014We have achieved a lot in the last few months including the final stages of the water system but have unfortunately run out of funds to fully complete the new double dormitory. This must be very frustrating for out project manager Ntimba but we will have to stop building work soon until we can find a new source of funding or raise some money ourselves. The damage caused by the recent flooding has made the difference and meant that we ran out of funds and are £1500 short of the amount needed for completion of the building work and won’t be able to pay the additional cost of having it  painted.

We are looking to see if we qualify for any grants but are aware that we are competing with experts in writing propsals and we shall probably have to make many applications before we have any success. This year looks like it will be about raising whatever small amounts we can to try and finish and maintain what we have already built.

Our aim was always to have 100 students at the school this year and with our sponsored children now up to 40  and 40 paying students, we will have exactly 80 students with the possibility of bringing in a further 20 as soon as the dormitory is finished

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